Are you...
looking to work with a hands-on equity partner with considerable financial, operational and strategic experience in order to help grow your business?Do you...
own a Western Canadian business with an enterprise value of $2 million to $5 million, consistently positive cash flow and an EBITDA from $500,000 to $1,500,000?Does your...
business have long-term experienced staff, loyal customers, good growth potential and a competitive edge in your industry?
RayQuest Holdings believes that when we invest our money, we enter into a partnership with the investee companies. We are hands-on investors and believe that the key to a successful partnership lies in the relationship between our team and the investee’s management team. By applying our broad base of operational experience and business acumen we are positioned to help our partners make strategic business decisions and navigate through challenging environments. Our operational and financial insights, alongside the commitment to working hard to understand our partner’s businesses, allow us to help your business grow and prosper.
We adhere to the principle that you can't manage what you don't measure. We work with your top operational people to figure out the specific processes that drive business success as well as the critical results the business is looking for.We identify the key processes that drive business success, develop metrics for these processes and then together we set meaningful and measurable targets and goals. And then we evaluate how the business is doing against those targets and together take action where it is needed.

RayQuest Holdings helps our investee partners to streamline and improve business processes to assist in making decisions that are disciplined, practical and cash-focused. The alignment of RayQuest and our investee partner’s interests is vital to our core and, when applicable, we both reward high performance and enable key employees to obtain share ownership based on the achievement of performance targets.We recognize that owners and managers of small businesses often are tasked with carrying out administrative and financial functions, in addition to operations, sales, and production responsibilities. Our team has the capacity to adopt the bulk of the finance and administrative work, allowing your owners and managers to spend more time growing their business.
RayQuest Holdings makes equity investments in Western Canadian private companies valued from $2 million to $5 million. While we recognize that no two businesses are alike, we take into consideration the following characteristics when we evaluate opportunities:- If the company has a track record of profitability and positive cash flow, with EBITDA consistently in the range of $0.5 million to $1.5 million.
- If the company has a solid management team with extensive industry experience.
- If the transaction is planned to be part of an exit strategy for an owner/founder, the owner is committed to working with RayQuest for a sufficient period, during which a suitable successor can be groomed.
- If the company is reputable with good growth potential and a sustainable competitive advantage over other industry participants.
RayQuest Holdings is an equity investor in companies who require funding for capital asset financing, acquisition financing, succession planning, management buy-outs, minority interest buy-outs and divisional spin-offs.Our focus is on oilfield products and services, small manufacturing firms and distribution businesses. We typically do not acquire substantial positions in primary resource industries (including oil and gas extraction, mining or forestry), retail establishments, real estate, early-stage companies or public companies.